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Thursday, June 12, 2008
SEO Advance Tutorial
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2:15 AM
SEO Consultant Tips
1.Get references Have your friends worked with anyone that they would recommend? What about your business associates? Today, you'll find that even if word of mouth is transmitted by e-mail, it will still go a long way towards getting you the consultant that you need.
2.Hit the directories Many excellent SEO consultants will make sure that they are listed in the various industry-specific directories on the web, so make sure that you give yourself some time to browse and to find the person who will best suit your needs.
3.Read their testimonials Many SEO consultants will have a list of testimonials up on their page, talking about what they have done in the past. Read these testimonials and see if you can get a sense from them regarding how the consultant works and what his or her strengths are when it comes to customer service.
4.Speak with them personally It is increasingly easier to do business without ever meeting anyone face to face, but you'll find that actually getting some information without the benefit of obfuscating text is quite important. Even if it is just a quick phone call, you can learn a great deal just by hearing someone talk and thinking about what you learn.
5.How long does it take to get back to you? If you have sent them an email, how long does it take for them to return your enquiry? You'll find that if you are waiting more than 24 hours, you might not want to wait any longer. Most SEO consultants will have auto responders, and while this is a good solution, see how long it takes before you get a human to respond to you.
6.Google them Get on a search engine and try a few searches to see how long it takes for them to show up under terms such as "SEO Consultant" and "SEO Specialist" as if they can't get themselves the top spots you stand less of a chance.
7.Have a few companies in mind You'll find that plenty of companies will have just one or two different points that will keep them from being perfect, so take some time to make sure that you have a few to choose from.
8.Ask to see their work What companies have they worked with in the past? How long does it take for you to find them using Google? You can see what kind of work they do best by heading right over to check it out.
9.Are they ethical? Getting involved with a company that will do anything black hat such as hiding links and using keyword stuffing, will be a mistake that you pay for with very poor rankings and unhappy visitors, you may even get banned!
10.Think about how they make you feel. At the end of the day, how comfortable do you feel when you work with them? You'll find that because they are connected intimately with your business that you will want to see how comfortably you can work together.
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2:13 AM
Labels: SEO Consultant Tips
Link Building with Directory Submissions
Webmasters and all those who are involved in site building and promotion:
Whenever you have started to work with websites you will surely face the problem of website promotion and how to increase the website's page rank? It is quite a great point for discussion. However, we can outline here several of the most important and effective ways of website promotion, which are directory submission and link building. When it comes to directory submissions - here arises another question - what way is more effective, to submit your site manually to hundreds of directories yourself or order directory submission services provided by highly experienced and skilful team. The second variant is much more appropriate and comfortable as it requires a lot less time and effort than the first option. Manually submitting to directories is a long, tedious, and grueling task. It can take hours upon hours and depending upon the number of directories submitting to, I can take days. Many of the directories these days require email confirmations before listing a website in the directory. This, of course, leads to another time consuming task of confirming each and every email that is sent. The other downside of sharing your email address is the fact that many directories will continue to email you promotional information well after you submission is completed and some will pass your email information on, which leads to spam.
Directory submission of your website has several benefits. The first benefit is that it will contribute to the growth of incoming traffic. You will get direct, targeted traffic from directories. Another benefit of this service is that you will get high quality, one-way links to your website from pagerank directories. These backlinks directly contribute to your overall search engine rankings. And finally, the directory submissions will contribute to drastically improving your Google Page Rank! The higher your pagerank, the higher you are going to be listed in all search engine results for specific keywords. These are three enormous benefits that any webmaster needs to focus on in order to survive on the internet today.
So do not waste your time and lose your profit. Hiring a professional directory submission service is the right choice. Directory submission services such as those offered by http://www.adventdesigns.in will give you many different choices and packages to work with. They will include both high page rank directory submissions and also guaranteed and permanent directory submissions and will even handle all email confirmations for you. Both of these types of submissions are very beneficial to any website. Link building is the number one way to promote your website today as it affects a website in a variety of different ways. If you do not focus on building your links, your website will not project the much needed image of popularity and search engines will not include the website in search results. It is an area that no webmaster can survive without.
Just visit iSellPagerank.com to order the directory submission services that are right for you and start reaping the many benefits of directory submissions today!
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2:13 AM
How To Do SEO Web Design
Whether you are running a business online, or running a website for any other reason, the design of the website is always important. It is especially important when you are trying to sell products and services. A major factor that plays into your business success is how much traffic your site actually gets. Something that helps improve the traffic and the popularity of your site is search engine optimization. The key to running a successful online business starts before you begin, and involves combining these two ideas to create SEO web design. There are several things you can do in order to make your site SEO friendly. This article is going to introduce you to some tricks to doing just that.
Whether you do your SEO on your own or you have a company do it for you, one of the most important things you can focus on are keywords. Keywords are the basis for SEO web design. They are the groundwork for brainstorming the topics you will cover on your site, and how many pages it will take to complete it. Knowing your basic keywords will also help you to know who your biggest competitors are. It seems like common sense but just knowing these few simple rules can make your site SEO friendly from the start. The next thing you will want to do is focus on the structure of your site. You basically want to develop themes throughout the pages using different URL designs. You want your pages and your URL’s to be as clean as possible, and easy to remember! SEO web design also relies on having solid content, and that begins by keeping your JavaScript down and not cluttered. If you don’t understand web design, the company working for you should know exactly what this means.
Up until now you have been using the “guts†of your website in order to make it SEO friendly. The next step will be creating content, and this is something you should already have thought of. You have to fill your pages with something appeasing to the mind. You can do this by writing content that is filled appropriately with the keywords you previously chose. Your titles, tags and just about every paragraph of text should include at least one of your keywords. This is really going to help your site reach your ultimate goal. If you are completely new to SEO web design, don’t be afraid to go online and search out different ways to use keywords correctly and to your advantage. The next step will generally occur if you are working with a web design company or your corporation has a special group for the assignment. This part is called wire framing. Basically the site will be presented to you in a simplified version and it will give you the chance to go over it with a fine-toothed comb. There is no room for error when doing this!
Lastly your SEO web design adventure will end with something a little more exciting. You’ve appeased the mind and now you must accommodate the eye. Getting traffic to the site is one thing but keeping it there and keeping it coming back are something entirely different. You will now want to work on design, whether you do it yourself or with a web design firm. Consider every option such as site navigation, links, colors, graphics, text style, and video. The more pleasing the site is to the visitor the easier the information will be for them to understand. This all may seem a bit complicated but the fact is that SEO web design can be accomplished on any website, as long as you follow the steps and give it your best!
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2:13 AM
Domain names for internet marketing
When you start your journey for internet success, then anything that comes in the way for your business is important. What is required is time and energy to solve every problem and determine the best possible solution. The first decision is to determine the domain name for your website. Choosing a domain name is quite important. The domain that looks difficult for people to spell and pronounce is not going to help your website in the long run.
The domain name should be of such type that on basis of domain identity people are able to remember what products and services are offered by you. The word that is used in the search engines to find a business is generally known by the term "keyword". If your goal is to proceed ahead in the internet success then it is better to take the domain that matches with the keyword searched by the users.
Remember to use that type of name for domain for internet marketing that is neither too long nor difficult to spell. It should also be easy to spell otherwise it will result in failed attempts to look after your business. To select a right name for your internet marketing success, is to look in a dictionary write all the alternative words for the product and services that you will be selling and providing. You will be surprised to find some common words that you many not have thought about it.
Creating a domain name close to a well known brand may not be a good idea as this can result in trademark violations. This will cost you money and will defeat the entire purpose of the website to come on first place. In case of any doubt it is better to consult a legal or search service to make sure that the name that you are choosing does not matches with any other.
Thus there are certain recommendations for domain name selection. IF these are followed in the beginning to protect yourself then your business is soon on the road to internet success.
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2:13 AM
How dynamic sites can affect your PageRank
Dynamic pages are very convenient for visitors but are not always good for PageRank.
This is because Googlebots are not programmed to read this type of web page. Many of your web pages will not be viewed by the Googlebots or indexed by Google. However sometimes you need to put dynamic pages on your site
Firstly let's examine what a dynamic page is: These are pages that will come up when a visitors plugs in a certain command. This means that visitors will choose which pages they want to see.
This will be very convenient for your visitor. There are several programming formats and HTML coding that will enable a page to be dynamic. A few of them include; PHP, ASP, JSP (Java server page) CGI and PERL. Only make dynamic pages yourself if you have a good knowledge of these programming languages and skills.
Some reasons for creating dynamic pages for your site:
* Information that is categorized by date * Shopping sites * Multiple service providers * Any time you want visitors to be able to pull up a certain page they will need
Now for the crunch time: before you get all excited about these dynamic web pages remember one thing Googlebots cannot read dynamic sites. That’s right the Googlebots are robots and will not issue commands to get web pages. If they cannot read your dynamic pages no data about them is going to be relayed to Google and of course your pages cannot be viewed on the search engine.However the main reason that they cannot be viewed is because Googlebots are programmed not to read these types of pages.
Here's the reason why. The programming format will contain? or #&*!%. these are also the signs that Spammers and those infamous black hat SEO people use to trap the search engine spiders For this reason Googlebots are programmed to ignore anything with these signs. So how do you get Googlebots to read your dynamic pages? The answer is quite simple.
Here are a number of ways:
You change the formatting of your dynamic pages. This can be done with software. This will change those small unacceptable signs to ones that will be read by Googlebots. For example, scripts/ShowCode.asp ?lngWId=3&txtCodeId=769 Googlebots do not read ? or & so you can just change the script to txtCodeId.769/gWId.3/qx/vb/scripts/ShowCode.htm. Now unless you have this software do not try this alone without some knowledge of programming language and scripts.
* Make regular static pages that link to your dynamic pages * Submit each page manually being careful to change those signs * Make blogs that link to your dynamic pages * Optimize any pages that need to be indexed * Articles and content pages * Link to your dynamic pages with a table of contents
So if you really need dynamic pages and some businesses do. Remember to set them up so that the Googlebots can see and record all the information on your site. As illustrated this is not an impossible task. It is just a question of working with Google rules to help those Googlebots to read all the information about your site.
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2:13 AM
Robots.txt File in SEO Services
Generally in case of small websites webmasters are under false assumption that they do not require to create a robot.txt file. But it is required. First of all let us define the robot.txt file. Even prior to it we need to define what a web robot is. A web robot is also called spider or crawler which should not be confused with the normal web browser as web browser is not a robot.
The main use of robots.txt file for webmasters in SEO services is to give instructions to the robot what they crawl and what should not be crawled. This can give you some control over the robots. This give you little more control over the robots and this indicates that you can issue indexing instructions to various search engines.
Robots.txt invites the search engines. Some of the good bots can also step away from your website in case you have not created robot.txt in the top level of your website. Some time there is requirement to exclude some pages from search engines. These are those pages that are still under construction and those directories that you do not want to get them indexed. You may also want to exclude those search engines whose main aim is to collect email addresses.
Robot.txt file is a simple text file created in notepad. This is required to be saved to the root directory of your website. It means that directory where your home page or index page is stored. In order to create a simple robot.txt file with the specification that allows all robots to spider your website, write the following info:
User-agent: *
This will allow all robots to index your pages.
In case you don’t want a specific robot to have access any of your website pages. Then do the following:
Disallow: /
In case you do not want a specific robot to access any of your web pages, then do the following. Suppose you do not want Googlebot to index a page names as “abc†and you directory name is newdir. In the disallow section you will be required to put:
User-Agent: Googlebot
IN case you do not want to get indexed the complete directory then you would put:
Now if it's a complete directory you do not want indexed you would put:
User-Agent: Googlebot
By putting forwarding slash in the beginning and in the end, search engines are informed that not to include any of the directories.
Thus create a robot. Text is an important part in SEO services and it can not be ignored at all costs.
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2:13 AM