SEO Question and answers
What is "body content relevance"? A:
"Body content relevance" is the written "non-image" text on the page of the web site which is descriptive in nature and relates to the title, description and keywords. It is not mandatory to have relevant body content, but it most definitely will assist your ranking on the search engines.
What does the Submission Process Actually Do?
The SUBMISSION programs send your web site address, "URL" to search engines and links using what is referred to as add-a-URL strings. After receiving the URL, engines use a "spider" to then parses through the HTML code looking for tags that begin with a href=. After the entire page has been parsed, a small "Web BOT" travels the links it found, searching for more links using the same procedure until all of the pages at that URL address have been found.
What is the difference between submission and placement and when will my first page paid placement list on the search engines?
A: With search engine submission, we do not guarantee that a search engine will place your web site. With search engine placement, we ask for you to allow ten days for placement on the search engines. You will receive a ranking report at the email address you provided on your order form.
Explain the concept - "the long tail of search."
Long tail theory says that in any given demand curve, the "tail" or unpopular products, when combined, will have a greater amount of demand than the popular products at the "head.'
How do search engines treat content inside an IFrame?
The engines all interpret content in an embedded IFrame as belonging to a separate document from the page displaying the IFrame content. Thus links and content inside IFrames refer to the page they come from, rather than the page they are placed on. For SEO, one of the biggest implications of this is that links inside an IFrame are interpreted as internal links (coming from the site the IFrame content is on) rather than external links (coming from the site embedding the IFrame).
• Can you clarify the ideas behind term weight?
The most important thing that I've learned from term weight and KW density is that it barely matters. If you have a keyword in your title tag and in your H(x) tag and mention it in the content of the site naturally once or twice, you've gone 99.9% of the way towards perfect on-page optimization. Anyone trying to reverse engineer the formulas for that 0.1% is probably wasting their time.
Can you talk about the differences between Yahoo! vs. Google users?
This relates quite well to the last question. Since this is a short answer system, let me just quote a statistic I heard earlier this year that codifies my answer quite well. Despite Google getting twice as many searches as Yahoo!, Yahoo! has a greater number of searches per day for the terms "NASCAR" and "WWE." That should help you understand the demographics of the searchers (at least here in the US).
Does mySEO411 offer references from other clients?
and Yes. Our current past clients are available for stellar testimonials.
What about complimentary, non-SEO marketing?
SEM, press releases, and other traditional marketing efforts work well with SEO campaigns. We recommend a strategy encompassing a broad suite of complimentary marketing techniques to meet your goals. We're happy to discuss a comprehensive vision with you
Do we have to sign a contract to enter into a business relationship with mySEO411?
No. We only sign contracts if it's what you want. We typically bill every month. Some clients are billed hourly, some hire mySEO411 on monthly retainer. The only things binding us together in a business relationship are the results we deliver each month. If you ever want to sever our relationship, all you have to do is notify us. We'll cease work immediately and send your final invoice. We agree to as much via email, which is just as good as a signed contract, legally speaking
I know that having a continual plan to get new links to my site is very important to help my Web site be found. What is the ideal number of new links I should be trying to achieve on a monthly basis or is there an ideal number?
Years ago it was all about the quantity but these days, it is also about the descriptive text in the link that counts along with the authoritative aspect (how busy the site is) as well as getting links from locations that suit your audience. Lots of times you can benefit with links that are not huge in number, but are from authoritative sites using good descriptive link text in the link.
I have heard that it can be a bad thing to "buy links." Is that true.
At least Google has warned about buying links on high PR sites which we have never recommended doing anyways. Basically, you don't want to do anything for the purpose of "manipulating rankings." You can buy advertising from people, but don't buy links. There really is no need to because there are so many other strategies you can use that won't get you in trouble.
Is SEO not all about manipulation of rankings anyways?
I'm sure there are some that may think that way. But we believe that search engine optimization is simply about building high quality content that is truly relevant and useful. Content that merits good visibility Because it satisfies the reason why the searcher searched.
Define: Link Farms
— A website that exists purely to increase the rankings of member’s websites thorough increased link popularity
What is google bombing?
Google Bomb — The process of manipulating the results of Google by placing a link to a single webpage on several domains. The most famous incident of Google bombing was when around 32 webmasters put the text “miserable failure” on their websites and placed a link under this text to George Bush’s autobiography. Causing this webpage to rank #1 in Google for the search term “miserable failure
Doorway Page — A webpage that has been designed purely for search engines and often leads to another, separate website. This is a “black hat” SEO technique and although may achieve a high rankings quite quickly, it will ultimately lead to your site being penalised or banned completely. Also known as a “Gateway page”.
Explain:CO-citation Linking Filter
This filter apply due to your website Outbound Link Structure. If your site has a link on a website that links to automotive sites then according to Google your site will also be relate to automotive.
What is Google Sand Box Filter
This Filter basically placed on new websites. Due to this filter a new website does not receive high ranking for its major keywords. Sites that are using high competetive keywords affects more by this filter. The reason for this filter is to discourage the spam sites to use spammy techniques to get 1000 links a night for high ranking.
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Friday, November 14, 2008
SEO question and answers
Posted by
Advent Designs Pvt Ltd
8:51 PM
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Search Engine FAQ asked question and answers
Why SEO is important?
• 87% of all visitors are from a page 1 position
• 91% of Internet users use search engines.
• Over 250 million searches carried out daily in the UK.
• 73% of all online transactions start with search engines.
How much does the SEO cost?
Costs associated with SEO can vary from site to site and are directly influenced by your industry sectors and competition.
What is mean by supplemental index?
Pages that are in the supplemental index are placed there because they are trusted less. Since they are crawled less frequently and have less resources diverted toward them, it makes sense that Google does not typically rank these pages as high as pages in the regular search index.
What is spam index?
An information retrieval system uses phrases to index, retrieve, organize and describe documents. Phrases are identified that predict the presence of other phrases in documents. Documents are the indexed according to their included phrases. A spam document is identified based on the number of related phrases included in a document.
Why might you want to use no follow on an internal link?
Many sites have shopping carts and member login or logout links. This type of link is simply an administrative function and does nothing to contribute to site content. The search engine does not need to index those pages.
From an analytics perspective, what is different between users from organic search results vs. a type-in user?
A user coming into your site from an organic search usually has never visited your site before or is performing a general search for a specific product or topic. These visitors are trying to find the site that most suits thier needs. A "type-in" user is specially interested in your website. They may have found your URL in print advertising or from a friend. Often, these users are familiar with what you are offering and are coming back to your site as a repeat visitor.
How many target keywords should a site have?
I advise not more than three or four well related keyword phrases.
What is Latent semantic analysi?
Latent semantic analysis (LSAT
The process of analyzing the relationships between terms in sets of documents. The engine looks not only at the query, but also looks for common terms in the document set. Documents that are semantically similar will carry more weight than those that are not.
What is hilltop ,Bigdaddy?
Hilltop can be just ranking strategies to approach an authoritative ranking, that Google call it. There are three approach about it
1. Ranking Based on Human Classification
2. Ranking Based on Usage Information
3. Ranking Based on Connectivity
Bigdaddy is a data center only live at and right now.
What is page segmentation? (ever heard of VIPS?)
VIPS is a research paper from Microsoft that stands for Vision-based Page Segmentation which is just an offshoot of the general topic of page segmentation. It is an analysis of how a user understands web layout structures based on visual perception and is independent from the underlying code and technologies.
What is Phrase based indexing
Phrase based indexing is used to classify good and bad phrases based on certain criteria inside the entire document. The number and proximity are taken into account. It also is capable of predicting the presence of other phrases on the page and will assign a higher or lower value depending on if those phrases or present or not.
Explain shring algorithm?
These shingling algorithms look for blocks of content that do not occur frequently across a web site and look for blocks with certain desired features. When the engine stores this information, the navigational, advertisements, and other non-content areas are omitted. This increases speed, saves on storage space, and theoretically makes the results more relevant because of the increase in unique content.
Posted by
Advent Designs Pvt Ltd
12:47 AM
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Keyword stemming
Keyword Stemming
Keyword stemming for search engine optimization is a great traffic draw for your website. A wider variety of keywords through keyword stemming also avoids keyword stuffing and repetitions that might blacklist a website from a search engine when it is actually not attempting to fool the search engine.
The process of keyword stemming involves taking a basic but popular keyword pertaining to a particular website and adding a prefix, suffix, or pluralization to make the keyword into a new word.
If we take key word “search” then it would change like “ searches ,seaching, searched,” and “searchable.”
Posted by
Advent Designs Pvt Ltd
2:54 AM